Does your West Highland White Terrier BARK excessively, thus destroying the peace and quiet at home?
Our West Highland White Terrier Lovers Training Course has a simple but EXTREMELY effective technique that we have personally perfected that you can use to stop your West Highland White Terrier from barking or howling unnecessarily and making loud noises and throwing tempers.
Our training course portrays barking as a language your West Highland White Terrier speaks rather than a problem that you have to solve. So it has everything you need to know to appreciate its mental state when it is barking, understand exactly why it is barking, and then use this understanding to stop it from barking – without ever using anti-bark collars.
Here’s what you’ll find in our training course:
- •Does your West Highland White Terrier bark when you take it out for a walk or when you take it to the dog park? Discover the FOUR ESSENTIAL TECHNIQUES you must use to prevent your West Highland White Terrier from barking at other dogs, people or at cars so that you can start enjoying your walks again…
- •The exact method that you need to follow in order to stop your West Highland White Terrier from barking at night so that you and the other members of your family can start sleeping soundly again…
- •How to get back the freedom to invite friends, family and visitors into your home without worrying that they’ll be afraid of or annoyed by your barking dog…
- •End the incessant barking that starts and refuses to stop whenever there’s a knock or ring at the door…
- •How to put an end to the stress and frustration that you feel because of your West Highland White Terrier’s relentless barking at whatever goes by the house and at every little sound…
- •5 critical steps that you need to follow in order to stop your West Highland White Terrier from barking while you’re away…
Are you struggling to HOUSEBREAK your West Highland White Terrier and to have a cleaner home that doesn’t smell like a kennel?
Are you and your family members frustrated because your West Highland White Terrier constantly pees and poops in the wrong places?
Are you thinking of giving up your dog because it can’t be potty trained no matter how hard you try?
Our West Highland White Terrier Lovers Training Course will help you housebreak even the most reluctant West Highland White Terrier so that it only relieves itself at the place where you want it to and NEVER relieves itself in any other place in your house.
It covers every situation – housebreaking techniques for West Highland White Terrier owners who have to be away from the house for hours at a time, housebreaking techniques for owners who stay at home mostly, housebreaking techniques for owners who live in a house with a yard, housebreaking techniques for owners who live in apartments, etc.
Here’s what you get:
- • Detailed, step-by-step instructions for all the common methods of housetraining West Highland White Terriers – outdoor training, crate training, paper training, potty pad training, litter box training, diaper training, etc.
- •The unique system that we have developed that will help you to train your West Highland White Terrier to always (and without fail) alert you when it wants to go out…
- • 3 secret tips on how to stop repeat ‘accidents’ at home…
- • What to do if you take your West Highland White Terrier outside several times during the day, but it still ends up peeing indoors…
- •How to housetrain your West Highland White Terrier if you have adopted it from a rescue shelter or from another owner who had not housebroken it…
- • 6 simple but highly effective steps you should follow to prevent your West Highland White Terrier from creating a mess in your house if you have to go out for work and have to leave your dog alone at home for hours at a stretch…
- • Why your West Highland White Terrier soils its crate and how you can stop it…
- •How to put a permanent end to those occasional pee stops on the carpet after weeks of no accidents…
- • The simple technique that you can use in order to stop your West Highland White Terrier from spraying in the house and on the furniture in order to mark its territory…
Because of their independent nature, Westies are generally difficult to housebreak.
In case your Westie has potty training problems, 3 things will help you housebreak him – Patience, Consistency and the Right Guidance on Housetraining.
Does Your West Highland White Terrier lack OBEDIENCE TRAINING and is this threatening the loving relationship between the two of you?
If your skittish West Highland White Terrier doesn’t come when called, runs away from the house whenever the door is opened, pulls on the leash when you’re out walking with it, or listens to you ONLY when it wants to, our West Highland White Terrier Lovers Training Course will turn it into a loving member of your family and put an end to all your stress and anxiety.
Our training course will help you regardless of whether you have an adult West Highland White Terrier that has always had obedience issues or a newly rescued West Highland White Terrier that is either too shy or too aggressive:
- •Identify the weak and strong points of the breed and using this understanding to determine the specific training needs of your West Highland White Terrier…
REMEMBER: Westies are small dogs with high self-esteem. Westies are generally easier to handle and more friendly than the other Terrier dogs. But, they too have an independent mind.
If you are persistant in training your Westie and if you use the right methods, you can turn even a wilfull dog into an obedient pet.
- •3 easy but highly effective tests you can perform to get an amazing insight into your West Highland White Terrier’s born-in traits… and how to use the results of these tests to better train your dog…
- •The single most important factor and the 5 key rules that you must remember when you train your West Highland White Terrier – unless you know what these are and remember to follow them when you train your West Highland White Terrier, it can NEVER be trained properly!
- •The 6 important steps that you need to take in order to make your West Highland White Terrier come back to you as soon as you call it…
- •Discover the secret techniques, known and used only by the pros, that will help you establish yourself as the pack leader so that your West Highland White Terrier pays attention to a firm command or a quiet rebuke from you without your ever having to yell at it…
- •3 easy steps to leash train your West Highland White Terrier so that it never pulls or tugs on the leash when you take it out for its regular walks…
- •How to teach your West Highland White Terrier advanced commands like Stand, Stop, Drop It, Give It etc.
A West Highland White Terrier being trained for the SIT position – one of the first steps towards establishing your authority.
Is Your West Highland White Terrier AGGRESSIVE to the extent that you are thinking of giving it away?
Whether your high-strung pooch is a new rescue or a long-time pet with erratic mood changes, if its aggressive behavior is causing problems in your home, on your walks or anywhere else, our course will help you ensure that your West Highland White Terrier is no longer a threat for your other pets, your family members, kids, or guests:
- •Discover the 5 essential techniques you must use to stop your West Highland White Terrier from being aggressive towards your other dogs or chasing your cats (and finally have some peace and quiet at home!)…
- •How you can stop your West Highland White Terrier’s aggression and prevent it from embarrassing you if it has the habit of terrifying the people, kids, other dogs or cyclists that it passes during its walks…
- •5 critical steps that you must take to stop your West Highland White Terrier’s food aggression in case it is too greedy about its food or attempts to snap at another person or animal whenever he or she gets too close to its food bowl…
- •The steps that you should follow when you bring a rescued West Highland White Terrier with a known history of jealousy and aggression into your home…
Our course helps you first understand the specific emotion (fear, threat, discomfort etc.) that is making your West Highland White Terrier aggressive and then use this understanding to stop it from behaving aggressively toward people or other animals.
Does your West Highland White Terrier lack SOCIALIZATION, thus preventing it from becoming an integral part of your family?
Here’s what you’ll find in our training course:
- •How to make your West Highland White Terrier friendly towards your guests and your children or grandchildren so that it allows them to pet it, instead of barking and backing away…
- •5 ways to ensure that your West Highland White Terrier interacts positively with the other dogs that it meets during its walks…
- •Understand why your West Highland White Terrier is not friendly with anyone else other than you or your spouse, and how to fix this…
- •4 steps to socialize and desensitize a new West Highland White Terrier that seems to be afraid of everything and everyone…
Once you get your West Highland White Terrier socialized using the techniques present in our training course, you’ll have a happy animal with whom you’ll be able to go out to different places and whom you can include in all your family activities.
How you can gift your West Highland White Terrier a long, healthy and happy life by providing it with a proper DIET and appropriate nutrition
Our training course will also tell you everything you need to know about feeding your young or adult West Highland White Terrier and giving it a proper diet…
It will give you a step-by-step blueprint that will allow you to determine exactly what you should feed your West Highland White Terrier every day…
Here are some of the dozens of secret diet related tips that you will discover in our course:
- •How to vary the food that you give to your West Highland White Terrier as it grows older…
- •Did you know that there are only 2 distinct feeding techniques that you should use with your West Highland White Terrier?A majority of West Highland White Terrier owners don’t know what these techniques are and end up feeding their dogs the wrong way, which often has an adverse impact on the health of their West Highland White Terriers.Our training course will tell you what these techniques are and how to determine which of these 2 techniques would be appropriate for YOUR West Highland White Terrier.
- •What you can do when your West Highland White Terrier is a picky eater and only prefers human food…
- •A secret chart developed by us that will tell you exactly how much Vitamins and Minerals your West Highland White Terrier needs every day.Most West Highland White Terrier owners don’t have access to this chart, because of which their West Highland White Terriers never get the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals that they need to be healthy and happy.To be honest with you, this chart is so important that you should be hanging it on the wall of your kitchen so that you can refer to it everyday.
Pluto – A well-groomed West Highland White Terrier with a radiant skin reflects overall fitness and good health.
- •The 1 food item that MUST be given to your West Highland White Terrier every day in order to prevent it from being affected by diseases like cancer, heart disease, liver and kidney disorders when it grows old…
- •What food items are good for underweight West Highland White Terriers and what items you should avoid in case your dog is overweight…
- •Food items that you should NEVER give to your West Highland White Terrier under any circumstances – if you give these food items to your West Highland White Terrier, it may cause severe intestinal damage in your West Highland White Terrier, ugly sores on its skin or even death!
Once you get our course, you will know exactly what your West Highland White Terrier needs for its diet every day, exactly what food combinations are best for maintaining its long-term health and exactly how much food it should eat every day…
And you will know exactly which food items and pet treats available in supermarkets and discount stores you should avoid at all costs (thereby saving you a lot of money because you will no longer have to waste money on food that shouldn’t be given to your West Highland White Terrier in the first place)…
Does your West Highland White Terrier have the tendency to BITE, thus preventing you from trusting it around kids, family members and visitors?
If your West Highland White Terrier’s biting is making you too scared to take it out in public and has made you afraid of getting sued, our course will help you to change your dog into the loving companion that you have always wanted it to be:
- • 2 common but SERIOUS mistakes that many West Highland White Terrier owners make when they are playing with their West Highland White Terriers that actually encourage their West Highland White Terriers to bite.WARNING: It is quite possible that you are unknowingly making these 2 mistakes yourself (since a very large percentage of West Highland White Terrier owners do it).See the Biting section of our training course to find out what these mistakes are, and why you should avoid them at all costs.
- • Why exactly your West Highland White Terrier tends to bite your spouse, your children, your grandchildren or your visitors, and the 4-step process that will help you stop this…
- • How to stop your West Highland White Terrier from biting YOU…
- • How to stop your West Highland White Terrier from attacking and biting the other dogs in your house…
- • How to re-train a rescued West Highland White Terrier with a known history of biting…
Does your West Highland White Terrier have the annoying and potentially dangerous habit of JUMPING on you or other people or kids?
Are you worried that your hyperactive West Highland White Terrier’s jumping may knock down or injure a child or an adult?
Our course has step-by-step instructions on how to control your West Highland White Terrier’s jumping and make owning your dog less stressful for you:
- •Our unique 5-step process that will help you train your West Highland White Terrier to stop greeting you by jumping on you…
- •Why your West Highland White Terrier jumps on your children or grandchildren, and how to make it stop…
- •How to prevent your West Highland White Terrier from getting excited and jumping on your visitors…
- •Why your West Highland White Terrier pulls on the leash and jumps on the people or other dogs that it meets during its walks, and how to stop this potentially dangerous habit…
- •How you can make your stubborn West Highland White Terrier understand that it needs to stop the rough play and not jump on your other pets…
Plus, you will also get step-by-step solutions to several other common problems like Chewing, Digging, etc.
The West Highland White Terrier Lovers Training Course not only deals with issues like barking, housebreaking and obedience training, but also includes step-by-step solutions for ALL the other common problems faced by West Highland White Terrier owners – like chewing, separation anxiety, digging up your garden, etc.
Here’s a partial list of what else you’ll find in our course:
- •Our groundbreaking 3-step method that will help you to stop your West Highland White Terrier from chewing everything in sight, especially when left alone…
- •Does your West Highland White Terrier suffer from separation anxiety? Find out how to calm your dog’s nerves when you leave it at home alone…
- •How to stop your West Highland White Terrier from digging up your backyard or garden and creating a mess…
- •Why your West Highland White Terrier tends to snap at other dogs or people and how you can control this annoying behavior…
- •Our secret, step-by-step process by which you can groom your West Highland White Terrier quickly and easily at home and turn it into a beautiful, radiant and impeccably groomed animal – without having to spend money on a professional groomer…
To keep their coat free from mats, Westies need regular brushing and grooming. Follow our exclusive Grooming tips for Westies and you will have a radiantly healthy dog.
The West Highland White Terrier Lovers Training course thus gives you access to the most authentic information that you’ll find anywhere on training and taking care of West Highland White Terriers.
And once you get our course, you will have the immense satisfaction of being able to transform a dog that has behavioral issues into a friendly, obedient and loyal companion who will love you unconditionally for years to come. |